Where I Lived, and What I Lived For
actual possession he hollowell place, and had
begun to sort my seeds, and collected materials o make a
on or off before the owner gave me
a deed of it, his wife -- every man has such a wife -- changed her
mind and , and en dollars to release
o speak trut ten cents in the world, and
it surpassed my aritic to tell, if I man wen
cents, or ogether. however,
I let en dollars and too, for I had carried
it far enougo be generous, I sold he farm for
just , and, as a rich man, made him a
present of ten dollars, and still en cents, and seeds, and
materials for a I had been a
ric any damage to my poverty. But I retained the
landscape, and I it yielded
a o landscapes,
quot;I am monarch of all I survey,
My rigo dispute.quot;
I ly seen a poet
valuable part of a farm, he
a fe for
many years w admirable
kind of invisible fence, , milked it, skimmed
it, and got all t the skimmed
ttractions of to me, s
complete retirement, being, about the village, half a
mile from t neiged from the highway by a
broad field; its bounding on the owner said
protected it by its fogs from frosts in t was
noto me; tate of the house and
barn, and ted fences, ween
me and t occupant; trees,
nas, s kind of neig
above all, tion I from my earliest voyages up