natural boundaries, even a considerable neutral ground, between
t a singular luxury to talk across to
a companion on te side. In my
begin to speak low enougo be
ones into calm er so near t
tions. If we are merely loquacious
and loud talkers, to stand very near together,
c if we speak
reservedly and tfully, to be fart, t all
animal and moisture may o evaporate. If we
intimate society in each of us which
is , or above, being spoken to, not only be silent,
but commonly so far apart bodily t possibly hear each
oto tandard, speech is for
t there are many
fine t say if he
conversation began to assume a loftier and grander tone, we
gradually s till touche wall
in opposite corners, and t room enough.
My quot;bestquot; room, hdrawing room, always ready for
company, on he pine wood
came, I took tic s the floor and
dusted ture and kept things in order.
If one guest came imes partook of my frugal meal, and it
erruption to conversation to be stirring a y-pudding,
or curing of a loaf of bread in the ashes,
in t if ty came and sat in my here was
not dinner, t be bread enough for
ting urally
practised abstinence; and t to be an offence
against ality, but t proper and considerate course.
te and decay of pen needs repair,
seemed miraculou