t intended for an
as far as eating see he Indians could
ter. to eat they were
o t apologies could supply to
ts; so ts tighing
about it. Anotime being a season
of plenty .
As for men, they will hardly fail one anywhere. I had more
visitors her period in my
life; I mean t I several there under more
favorable circumstances t fewer came
to see me on trivial business. In t, my company was
ance from town. I hdrawn so far
ocean of solitude, into wy
empty, t for t part, so far as my needs were concerned,
only t sediment ed around me. Beside, there
ed to me evidences of unexplored and uncultivated
continents on ther side.
o my lodge t a true homeric or
Papable and poetic a name t I am
sorry I cannot print it here -- a Canadian, a woodchopper and
post-maker, s in a day, w
supper on a woodc. oo, has heard of
;if it for books,quot; ;not knoo do
rainy days,quot; t read one whrough for
many rainy seasons. Some priest whe Greek
itself taugo read estament in ive
paris translate to he
book, Aco Patroclus for enance. --
quot;ears, Patroclus, like a young girl?quot;
quot;Or hia?
t Menoetius lives yet, son of Actor,
And Peleus lives, son of AEacus, among the Myrmidons,
Eitly grieve.quot;
;ts good.quot; bundle of we oak bark
under ;I