Winter Animals
large eyes appeared young and
un dropsical. I took a step, and lo, a scud
ic spring over t, straigs body
and its limbs into graceful lengt t between
me and itself -- ting its vigor and the
dignity of Nature. Not reason s slenderness. Such
ts nature. (Lepus, levipes, lig, some think.)
is a country rabbits and partridges? they are
among t simple and indigenous animal products; ancient and
venerable families knoo antiquity as to modern times; of the
very ance of Nature, nearest allied to leaves and to
to one anot is eit is
legged. It is ure when a
rabbit or a partridge bursts aural one, as muco be
expected as rustling leaves. tridge and t are still
sure to true natives of tever revolutions
occur. If t is cut off, ts and bushes which
spring up afford t, and they become more numerous
t must be a poor country indeed t does not support
a eem h, and around every swamp may
be seen tridge or rabbit wiggy fences and