Jing-Mei Woo
f Auntie Lin is oblivious to Auntie An-meis pain. Is Auntie Lin being mean, or is it t my motold anybody but me tory of Auntie An-meis greedy family?
quot;So, Jing-mei, you go to sc; says Auntie Lin.
quot;; says Auntie Ying.
quot;ts okay,quot; I say, and I really mean it. In fact, its even becoming faso use their Chinese names.
quot;Im not in sc; I say. quot;t en years ago.quot;
Auntie Lins eyebroer,quot; s I kno about my being a failure, a quot;college drop-off,quot; about my going back to finish.
Once again I old my mot sed to ;Youre rigo it.quot;
I anding about t s really mean I I ry to respect listening to Auntie Lin tonigood one anotranslated eaco ie Lin I o sco get a doctorate.
Auntie Lin and my mot friends and arc a lifetime comparing tie Lins prized daugime tons, er, averly playing crop monted ies sed.
I knoed listening to Auntie Lin talk about averly first my motried to cultivate some ired piano teaco practice on in exco become a concert pianist, or even an accompanist for t I e-blooming, like Einstein, arded until he discovered a bomb.
No is Auntie Ying s and begin again.
quot;Did you knoo oodside?quot; asks Auntie Ying tiles, talking to no one in particular. Sries for some modesty. quot;Of course, its not best million-dollar yet. But its good investment. Better t. Better tting you under to rub you out.quot;
So noie Yings daugold my being evicted from my apartment on loio