Rice Husband
and pustules, cracks and bumps, and fissures t I ed . If my motold me tims of future o eat platefuls of food.
After seeing terrible t I o do so I o marry Arnold. I began to leave more rice in my boended my prodigal ter sando a candy bar and sas and creamy goo, I sacrificed t as well.
I considered t probably noto Arnold, t not get leprosy, move to Africa and die. And ty t .
die rig, it er, by opped eating, not because of Arnold, to be faseen-year-old girls o suffer as teenagers. I ting at t table, ing for my moto finisly ting o ther.
quot;Oen to t; ill dabbing. And ts ed to Cal State o become a podiatrist.
quot;Doctors first baffled by t is extremely rare and generally attacks cen and ty, monto years after tracted t; read my fat;ted noticed ion problems and mental letil o a coma. teen, never regained consciousness.
quot;Didnt you kno boy?quot; asked my fatood te.
quot;t; said my mot me. quot;terrible s;
And I t s so die. I errified.
t nigolen a raer spoonful do. And later, for several er t, I sat side my bedroom, retco tainer. And I remember eating someterrible, errible could make me feel so good.
t t I could so ridiculous. Perined to be my o myself, even today, s cies and exact opposites? for orture? t racted measles to e place— of wounded love?
And even some part, . I didnt get Arnold. I got harold.
tectural firm, Livotny amp; Associates. Only ny is a partner and I am an associate.