Double face
combinations for er clothes.
But today I realize Ive never really kno means to be Cy-six years old. My motrain, carrying o China.
e are first going to Guangzy-t , kno of seeing or if its because noo button er and pat ting across from eaced by a little table ea. For t time I can ever remember, my fatears in train ioned field of yelloracks, lo on tober morning. And I cant y eyes, as if I ime ago, and forgotten.
In less tells me is o Canton t seems all ties I Ser in Guangzco S my t time.
ttle babies so abandon on a road as s old me about ters, so tting on tening to bombs ance red thumbs.
And it someone found te ter came from So my mot t tical sisters transforming from little babies into six-year-old girls. In my mind, ted next to eac a table, taking turns ain pen. One e a neat ro Mama. e are alive. Ser te:Come get us. Please hurry.
Of course t kno my mot. One minute salking to my fat tenants upstairs, sco evict tense t relatives from C minute s, groping for tly to ttering hands.
So my fat one to open tter, a long letter it turned out. And true mot a framed picture of old time my mot sao whey were finally found.
And tter so mucers calling my mot ter to my motie Lindo and asked o e back and tell my sisters, in tlest my mother was dead.
But instead Auntie Lindo took tter to tie Ying and Auntie An-mei ragedy, of losing my mot ther could fulfill her dream.
So t te to my sisters in S;Dearest Daugoo te