, favoring his wounded leg.
to to topped. t per see er t it an odd oversig fear of an enemy can often blind men to ot least the world.
rap from ank to tudied tance of t from tguns follower sligo cy off.
tol at t. Cepped into t en s. tors use to take bird specimens. t over and to tcgun s and put it in and o till drifting from ter fitted to tood looking do t but teadily t onto t eye seemed intact and Cried to speak from out of o one knee and leaned on tgun and looked at is it? are you trying to tell me?
Can you hear me? Chigurh said.
Im t Carson ells to kill. Is t ed to know?
c and a pair of arting to pool about his head and he was shivering as if he were cold.
t I didnt to break to rain glass on people in treet. ote stood outlined in t in t t and t tol lying ty back on tgun and stepped past to ted t tood at tening. out and doed ank and tungun and got s and stepped into them up.
t out tal door and doe steps to t his vehicle.
to tation it breaking daylig rain falling. S and paid tip. out and around to trunk and opened it and got t tico and brougo urned and began to struggle out into the rain.
Mama ? I need to get around there.
I kno it o, t three year ago.
It aint been three years.
I used them very words.
Just till I get around there.
In t t cancer, s t even a o go to.
Yes mam.
ere goin to El Paso texas. You