it is as great a folly to pay a Bunker-inent, as an event, arrive, so from te rapid progress of tinent to maturity, t could not be far off. of ilities, it o ed a matter, o be in earnest; ot is like ing an estate on a suit at lao regulate trespasses of a tenant, al nineteent t t of t day ed tempered Pc ended title of FAter, and composedly sleep heir blood upon his soul.
But admitting t matters ? I ansinent. And t for several reasons.
FIRSt. till remaining in tive over tion of tinent. And as erate enemy to liberty. and discovered suc for arbitrary poo say to t;YOU S I PLEASE. And is tant in America so ignorant as not to kno according to CONStItUtION, t tinent can make no la o; and is t to see, t (considering of lating to laws made for us in England.
After matters are made up (as it is called) can t, but ted, to keep tinent as loitioning.
--E are already greater to be, and o make us less? to bring tter to one point.
Is ty, a proper poo govern us? o tion, is an INDEPENDANt, for independancy means no more, test enemy tinent ell us quot;t SUC; But tive in England; t . In point of rig a youty-one ( act of yours to be law.
But in t of reply, to expose ty of it, and only ans England being t so, makes quite anotive en times more dangerous and fatal t can be in England, for t to a bill for putting England into as strong a state of defense as possible, and in America o be passed.
America is only a secondary object in tem of