a Sunday
And ake up your money.
OLD OMAN. God bless you, Sir.
(She screams.)
O through me!
FIRSt MERC. t name is like a fire to all damned souls.
(Murmur among tS, w.)
SECOND PEASANt. And maybe we shall scream so.
t. I tell you there is no such place as hell.
FIRSt MERC. Can sucrifle turn you from your profit? Come, deal; come, deal,
MIDDLE?AGED MAN. Master, I am afraid.
FIRSt MERC. I boughe souls gone.
MIDDLE?AGED MAN. Give me my soul again.
OMAN (going on o MERC)
And take too, and give me mine.
SECOND MERC. Bear bastards, drink or follow some wild fancy; For sighe souls
And you have none.
(the woman off.)
PEASANt. Come, lets away.
ANOt. Yes, yes.
ANOt. Come quickly; if t woman screamed I would my soul.
ANOt. Come, come away.
(turn to door, but are stopped by ss of quot;Countess
Catess Cat;)
CAtering) And so you trade once more?
FIRSt MERC. In spite of you.
brings you he sapphire eyes?
CAto barter a soul for a great price.
SECOND MERC. matter, if the price?
CAtarve, the people go
to you. I hem
And it is in my ears by night and day,
And I would housand crowns
t I may feed till th go by.
FIRSt MERC. . It may be t.
CAthere is more:
t you must be set free.
FIRSt MERC. e kno one soul ts h