tter days ranquillity of Little Britain been grievously disturbed and its golden simplicity of manners tened otal subversion by tired butcher.
t ttle Britain, and everybody endance on t oric over it; tely smitten up a one- a bit of gold lace round t, and alk and detestation of to play at Pope-Joan or blindmans-buff; t quadrilles, ain; and took to reading novels, talking bad Frencoo, o an attorney, set up for a dandy and a critic, cers o unknos, and alking about Kean, t;Edinburg;
ill o o invite any of t t deal of genteel company from ts to. tance from Grays Inn Lane and ton Garden, and not less ters. t to be forgotten or forgiven. All Little Britain tling and jingling of be seen popping t-caps out at every c of virulent old cronies t kept a look-out from a opposite tired butcicised every one t knocked at the door.
t open o say to t is true t Mrs. Lamb, y acquaintance, tle ea-junketings to some of ;quite,quot; as s;in a friendly ; and it is equally true t ations ed, in spite of all previous voo trary. Nay, t and be deligo strum an Irisen erest to Mrs. Lambs anecdotes of Alderman Plunkets family, of Portsoken ard, and timberlakes, tc ted tes by canvassing at t gossiping convocation everyt all to pieces.
t could not be made fasired butc Lamb, in spite of ty old fellotled like ters alleman, addressed ;papaquot; in tones of in?nite softness, and endeavored to coax o a dressing-golemanly s. Do , tcurdy nature y vulgar good- on coat of a mor