nce; and on my attempting to kiss a young lady under tletoe last Cmas, I ly repulsed, t quot;s; Bitter rivalry as to t fas of Little Britain, tanding up for ty of Cross-Keys Square, and trotters for ty of St. Bartholomews.
ttle territory torn by factions and internal dissensions, like t empire alent at prognostics, to determine, t it erminate in total downfall of genuine John Bullism.
te effects are extremely unpleasant to me. Being a single man, and, as I observed before, ratleman by profession in tand ties, and o counsels and mutual backbitings. As I am too civil not to agree ted myself most ies by abusing ts. I migo reconcile to my conscience, ing one, but I cannot to my apprerotters ever come to a reconciliation and compare notes, I am ruined!
I ermined, to beat a retreat in time, and am actually looking out for some ot in t city up, radesmen. teran rat, en ao my present abode, and leave tions of trotters to divide tracted empire of LIttLE BRItAIN.