Rising from tairs, I stepped into t need t sco find my antly tips along t along s oe: tory of Map Making, tes from tings of t. Petersburg Cartograp contains ion me anyips where I was.
e see feomers in Lea’s Antiquarian Booksellers, a scant ivity in September s come to buy copies of t texts; anoter tory. At otimes of t see-g a client. Every summer brings tourist en track, is prompted by curiosity to step out of to tant, blinking as . Depending on ing ice cream and cs on t stay for a bit of sranquility or not. More commonly visitors to t us from a friend of a friend, and finding tour. ticipation on tep into t infrequently apologize for disturbing us. t and as amiable as t mostly it is just Fathe books.
? you migomers come and go. But you see, terms, just a sideline. takes place elseions a year. t collectors, and collections. If you o c tions or book fairs t tends frequently, you ice en ly spoken, quietly dressed individuals, quiet. Does ioned. Fat doesn’t do to build up on to already , e of ttle green notebook. te some time. But later—a fe anotion or book fair, seeing a certain otentatively, en t, it ends t sometimes, folloions, tters. Fat deal of time composing letters. In Frencalian, even occasionally Latin. Nine times out of ten teous t sometimes—imes a year—to a journey. A journey in y-eigimes a year. this is our livelihood.
tself makes next to no money. It is a place to e and receive letters. A place to international bookfair. In t is an ind