‘I’m sorry,“ I s so used to one’s oo other people.“
I sat do the edge of my vision receded.
Miss inter closed o and dreed fist back into ective gesture s.
‘I’m sorry you didn’t to story, Miss Lea.“
‘I’ll anotime.“
Our interview was over.
On my o my quarters I t of tter s me. trained and painstaking I it doo illness. Artis perood. From t book and tire career, Miss inter ten erpieces hand.
In my study t curtains ermark tin covered te t c stood under tc t o start a ne took from my bag o t t directly underneath.
On impulse I climbed onto te valance to tain pole. My fingers groped for tops of tains, and I felt for titc attac erlined, and t, flung over my s after a fees, first one tain ood in ter of t of my work.
ter of it, my g, darkly transparent, aring in at me. unlike my oline of a desk on ttoned armc cast by a standard lamp. But he.
togettle ritual of preparing our desks. e divided a ream of paper into smaller piles and flicked to let turning tco t pencil o a fine point, put it do kept .
‘to her. ”Ready for work.“
So speak to me. I couldn’t she was saying.
I ervieed dos of keye up our intervieely aftero jog my memory. And from t first meeting, it my notebook from time to time, I filled ter of my ss of foolscap er’s aking dictation from ter in my head.
I left -ed any mannerisms, expressions and gestures t seemed to add someto her meaning.
t- blank. Lat