On my last day Miss inter told me about Dr. and Mrs. Maudsley.
Leaving gates open and o ots pram e anot t t o be none ts temporary disappearance . t out of ion was called for.
t feel able to approacly about it. tood t trange at to go t encouraged to keep tance is o say. Instead, t tor ly may or may not a ne time.
Dr. Maudsley young, yet ties tall, nor really very muscular, but ality, of vigor about o stride along at a great pace, effort. er to finding alking into turning to find ing of keeping up. tc mental liveliness. You could but quick, y for finding t person at t time. You could see it in , intent, rong, neat eyebrows above.
Maudsley ’s no bad tor. ep on t tients art feeling better already. And not least, tonic in ’s made a difference to ients lived or died, and tered hey lived.
Dr. Maudsley love of intellectual activity. Illness o rest until . Patients got used to urning up at t t t puzzling over toms, to ask one more question. And once a diagnosis, treatment to resolve. ed t of all treatments, but kept coming back to somet from a different angle, constantly casting about for tiny fragment of kno o get rid of t but to understand t in an entirely neelligent and amiable, ionally good doctor and a better t.
tion of village men included t like to be left out of anytrio and listened attentively as ted tale. tes left open, on to ter some minutes at tory: t in tor.
‘the younger Fred Jameson said finally.