“Excuse me…” Juditopped. Sigeristic flutter of tor is already out on a call— be ed my dressing go up and dourned into passages and corridors, arrived back on t in a part of t seen before. Finally o a series of rooms t I took to be Miss inter’s private suite. e paused before a closed door, and Juditroubled look. I ood y, from beerrupted by jagged gasps for breat in.
I onised so! Unlike t of ts overstuffed upery, lavisapestries, ttle room. ter, tuffed ood a narroe covers. At tain ting t in. Slumped over a plain little sco me, er. Gone were purple. Se long-sleeved chemise, and she was weeping.
A onal scraping of air over vocal cords. Jarring veered into frigorso sraveled to o ed against top. Judito replace a cuser’s temple; Miss inter, utterly possessed by t to knohere.
‘I’ve never seen o e of panic, ”I don’t knoo do.“
Miss inter’s moutorted into oo big for it.
‘It’s all rigo Judit er.
‘o on ation. ”It’s all rig my o my fat I kne will pass.“
t stop, nor t t. Sime betake in desperate, shs of air.
‘You’re not alone. I’m h you.“
Eventually s. to my couc my ribs I could feel tle flutters of breatender convulsions in her lungs. her hands were very cold in mine.
‘there now.“
e sat in silence for minutes. I pulled t more o rub some o of he desk.
‘ried to say something? Again her lips moved.
ty catc er y catc seems a brutal question no at time, flood of tears all etiquette aness did no