Very likely it y years since anyone tten its existence.
ell, you can imagine . After a bit I couldn’t even bear tantalization of co t my fisoget rying for tes ackle I as if it go on fisiny bream. t of tomac as if I o be sick. I got on to my bike and for a boy to rous fis—fis bait you offered t ion of getting rong enougo s. I’d buy tackle t eal t of till. Some or gimp and Number 5 les and paste and meal a carp mig. t Saturday afternoon I’d come back and try for them.
But as it back. One never does go back. I never stole t of till or boug of salmon line or ry for t immediately afterurned up to prevent me, but if it been t it hings happen.
I kno you ting about t t medium- sized fis long, say) and t t it isn’t so. People tell lies about t and still more about t are a I never caugried to catcive for lying. I tell you they were enormous.