therefore as farr
From granting hee, as I from begging peace:
All ead [ 105 ]
Of us out-cast, exild, ,
Mankind created, and for his orld.
So farewel h hope farewel Fear,
Fareo me is lost;
Evil be t least [ 110 ]
Divided Empire h heavns King I hold
By then half perhaps will reigne;
As Man ere long, and this new orld shall know.
thus while he spake, each passion dimmd his face
th pale, ire, envie and despair, [ 115 ]
erfet, if any eye beheld.
For empers foule
Are ever cleer. hereof hee soon aware,
Eacurbation smootward calme, [ 120 ]
Artificer of fraud; and
t practisd falsly shew,
Deep malice to conceale, couch revenge:
Yet not anougisd to deceive
Uriel once warnd; whose eye pursud him down [ 125 ]
t, and on t
Saw hen could befall
Spirit of : ures fierce
hen alone,
As he supposd all unobservd, unseen. [ 130 ]
So on o the border comes
Of Eden, where delicious Paradise,
Noh her enclosure green,
As he champain head
Of a steep wilderness, whose hairie sides [ 135 ]
it overgrotesque and wilde,
Access denid; and over head up grew
Insuperable iest shade,
Cedar, and Pine, and Firr, and branching Palm
A Silvan Scene, and as the ranks ascend [ 140 ]
Of stateliest vie ops
the verdurous wall of paradis