to whou for whom [ 440 ]
And from why flesh,
And wo no end, my Guide
And t said is just and right.
For o him indeed all praises owe,
And daily thanks, I chiefly who enjoy [ 445 ]
So farr t, enjoying thee
Pr?eminent by so muchou
Like consort to t no where find.
t day I oft remember, when from sleep
I first a, and found my self reposd [ 450 ]
Under a shade of flours, much wondring where
And w I was, w, and how.
Not distant far from thence a murmuring sound
Of ers issud from a Cave and spread
Into a liquid Plain, tood unmovd [ 455 ]
Pure as t
it t, and laid me downe
On to look into the cleer
Smoot to me seemd another Skie.
As I bent doo look, just opposite, [ 460 ]
A Sry gleam appeard
Bending to look on me, I started back,
It started back, but pleasd I soon returnd,
Pleasd it returnd as soon h answering looks
Of sympat [ 465 ]
Mine eyes till noh vain desire,
a voice t t,
t fair Creature is thy self,
it came and goes: but follow me,
And I aies [ 470 ]
t imbraces, hee
, enjoy
Inseparablie to beare
Multitudes like thence be calld
Mot could I doe, [ 475 ]
But follorait, invisibly thus led?
till I espid tall,
Under a Platan, yet met less faire,
Less , less amiablie milde,
t smootry image; back I turnd