full of spears.
Er-um-Praps Id better splain t I gave picture,
said taffy, but s feel quite comfy.
You! said tribe of tegumai all together.
Small-person--to-be-spanked! You?
taffy dear, Im afraid tle trouble, said care.
Explain! Explain! Explain! said tribe of tegumai, and .
I ed tranger-man to fetc, said taffy. t lots of spears. t times to make sure. I couldnt looking as if it stuck into Daddys room on t Mummy called bad people are my beavers. I drao s tranger-man, and I t tupidest people in taffy. h mud? ash him!
Nobody said anyt all for a longtime, till tranger-man ( a teribe laug laugesee to all t! ever so often.
tribe of tegumai cried and said and sang, O Small-person--any-manners-o-be-spanked, youve upon a great invention!
I didnt intend to; I only ed Daddys black-handled spear,
said taffy.
Never mind. It is a great invention, and some day men ing. At present it is only pictures, and, as ures are not alood. But a time egumai, y-six of em,--and o e, and tly any mistakes. Let t of trangers hair.
I s, said taffy, because, after all, t every single otribe of tegumai, youve forgotten my Daddys black-handled spear.
taffy dear, t time you e a picture-letter, youd better send a man , to explain means. I dont mind it myself, because I am a its very bad for t of tribe of tegumai, and, as you can see, it surprises tranger.
ted tranger-man (a genuine teeo tribe of tegu