Now for ya. O before. Now for maru.
Mum-mum-mum. Mum ss ones mout it? ell drahis. And he drew. (16.)
t makes Ma-ma-ma! But taffy?
It sounds all rougootting out a plank for taffy.
You mean all s tegumai. And he drew. (17.)
Xactly, said taffy. But all teet two.
Ill only put in one, said tegumai. If to be ures tter for everybody. And he drew. (18.)
No it, said tegumai, standing on one leg. Ill draring like fish.
ter put a little bit of stick or somet eacle, same as if they were carps?
O, said edly stopping, on a big ne of birch-bark. (19.)
Saffy, reading it out sound by sound.
ts enougo-day, said tegumai. Besides, youre getting tired, taffy. Never mind, dear. ell finis all to- morroer t trees you can see are all chopped up for firewood.
So t evening tegumai sat on one side of taffy on togetill egumai, youre affy.
Please dont mind, said taffy. Its only our secret-sprise, Mummy dear, and ell you all about it te its done; but please dont ask me is noell.
So carefully didnt; and brig morning tegumai doo to t neures, and up ser is ending or running out) cone er-tank, outside the Cave.
Um, said taffy. ture-sounds are rather!
Daddys just as good as come old me to get more er for Mummy to cook to t tank from a bark bucket, and to t ear--t belonged to o pull when she was good.
No-over sound-pictures,
said inciting day of it, and a beauti