Breakfast at Tiffanys-14
S, taller t men traigomacest to matc.
; are you doing ; and aut as draring.
quot;airs masstuff for t you sound vexed, sugar?quot; Stered a roundaboutsmile. quot;You b-b-boys not vexed at me for butting in on your p-p-party?quot;
Rusty traittered. o admire her muscle,and asked her if she could use a drink.
quot;I surely could,quot; s;Make mine bourbon.quot;
old ;t any.quot; ed for a bottle.
quot;O lets ;
sly s;dont you bot me. I can introduce myself.quot;
Sooped toalls ry.quot;
It seemed a dance, Berman performing some fancy footo prevent ting in. o a quadrille of partners ossed to pigeons. It y, if only because itcontains paradox. In to taste and scientific grooming, trick ing defects;sal by admitting t emp, so steep rembled; a flat tig indicated so a beacrunks; raiguating tarvation of utter, certainlygenuine but still a bit laid on, urned to advantage. It erstroke, t stutter; for it contrived to make ies sound somee allness, served to inspire in malelisteners a protective feeling. to illustrate: Berman o be pounded on t;ell me ingto guide her himself.
quot;t,quot; said ; be necessary. S is.quot; Sying aser Mag ildied anot;Its really very sad.quot; So calculate t . quot;And somysterious. Youd t would s hy.
So, s traordinary part. ouldnt you,quot; s of no one in particular, quot; you say s;
Someone coug it down.
quot;But t; said ;I rouble.quot; Sely, and to tchen for more ice.