Breakfast at Tiffanys-20
But t seem unnatural. quot;Run,quot; s;tell t;
I ran; but only upstairs to : tsubsided. Stopped altoget leading to let me in unanss to break doed in a bruised so go for t;Sup,quot; sold, quot;and get out of my ;
It e; Ybarra-Jaegar. Looking not at all t Brazilian diplomat; butsy and frig of oo. And, using ;In ; o a manaccompanying him.
Since no one prevented me, I folloo tment, last tmas tree led, veryliterally: its broorn-up books, broken lampsand pied, its contents tossedaround t of t was calmly licking a puddle of milk.
In ttles made me gag. I steppedon tered,t is Joseacute; so blindly, seemed not to see tor, ing ;Youre a tired young lady. Very tired. You to go to sleep, dont you?
finger. quot;Sleep,quot;
sed, fretful c; me. Let me s. I sa;
quot;it; lullabied tor, selecting from his black case ahypodermic.
Joseacute; averted t of a needle. quot;;
Englision an unintended irony. quot;S;
quot;Didnt a bit, no?quot; inquired tor, smugly dabbing ton.
So sufficiently to focus tor. quot;Everyts. ; But s need their own accord.
quot;S; insisted Joseacute;.
quot;Please, sir,quot; tor e s ;if you ient.quot;
Joseacute; o t room, iptoeing presence of Madame Spanella. quot;Dont touc; sened as o tuguese oaths.
, too; or so I surmised from his expression.
Instead, ed me to tle ained dry vermout;I ; ;I ting like a crazy. I must is too delicate: my name