Chapter 3
tem, oblivious to to tous scanners of t all, impervious, a mere spectator if any of t ims o be believed.
Cald up, bending tle to avoid ting t even sit up straig and take a millimeter or traigraig it, and sic bro still good for anot t any of t stuff had any significance now.
Caldemplated ion in tic coated ive substance t served as a mirror. A t disillusioned faces udied tions in its s. going to be t. ty ageing syntic material of t allegories of ions of ic existence, relics of better times.
ook stared back at ime-ravaged organic s into insignificance. ed to tion and yet Cald deep icking time bomb. of t , except for trange poms of t of grid-locked neurons.
tal images t made no sense in t context, vague memories of dreams of distant lands submerged in a cloud of confusion. Sporadic dreams set in locales vastly different from t ly bombarded by momentary flass of reds and tion. Somet of tten or to remember. Pupils narro of empered by tely sometal tail as the quack had described him.
an unremarkable face, tion t could only of some complex inter-racial coming toget one t oo deeply about, very muco t a convenient package for ools for tten so lost in t antly o remind groant daily. Meat tired and sting and remote, taking ely a bird’s eye vieo part company.
Minute red veins snaked like fissures belouated by t ly become permanent fixtures. tubble interspersed cubble also a dark broer es modified, one of tempts at someto vanity.