Chapter 11
’t suddenly become dispensable. You take your precautions. Let’s just say apped into tion neto access tellites, discovered exploits in trusion detection AIs, so tle about okyo. Understand w I am saying?”
“And t and are now coming for all ed.
“t’s not it at all. It appears from ternal communications t Kenzo sent out tly from tokyo. One to Neo t he packages?
“I can’t see tion.”
“I to’s deations, part of ter plan. t very badly to retrieve you and to make sure t anyone is taken out of ture.” Caldense look from Glyph.
“ing all tion. Glypicularly al ear to the ground.
“Professor Joplin of y, deceased as of yesterday. t.”
Cald fears came true one sentence. On t tail. Kenzo Yamamoto’s deat explanation for oo many tform after to retrieve t on taking his life.
Caldco see t to ion it seemed o sell to disappear deep be able to e a buyer. Glyptons on to reveal a small display screen.
“So, o to me? I don’t understand,” Calder it became clear t some response ed. Glyp sure .
“You said t you talked to ruct today. Didn’t tell you?”
“No. in touch soon.”
“ord in cyberspace, to suspect too, is t o one too many pies and the Chinese made him pay.”
“t Kenzo o mostly Japanese corporate stuff,” Caldwell said.
“So did I. At any rate, oilet at tess club in Sokyo. It’s a popular Yak . Apparently, oxic compound, one used for assassinations predominantly in Ne seat can you imagine? o reports. Loade