Chapter 17
Cald of topped someo figure it out. able job of keeping it at bay. believe o see more. o find out wo him.
“ you just sa a full-blo snippets of events and images t have made an impression in your mind. Clichés, if you like.”
“o me?” Caldwell asked, bile rising in er.
“You did to yourself. You disobeyed orders.”
“ are you talking about?”
“Look, I am going to cut to t of time. I ion called of Union Security Agency, tfit t absorbed all t agencies of tries. e get a small part of t even t. ty Agency’s dirty digital laundry, tion to ain activities t are not are too sensitive politically for to get involved in directly. I’ve already told you more told any non-agency person and I’ve spent all my aining t sacred voer Intelligence Department. You recruit ever. You een. e e your age you notorious ural gift if you like, for breaking into computer systems.”
“Me a arting to click into place noy for computers and inuation of t omed to in ion. And ty to find inctive but arting to make some kind of sense now.
“ion of all telling me?” Cald could for show.
“For your oy to block parts of your memory. You ening to out table. tion h so you can consider yourself lucky.”
“ did I do to deserve tter sarcasm.
“You and probably most brilliant tances.”
“So ly?”
“e are an offs of t umbrella security agency. Our focus ts faced by t is information erminology. e started out as a unit of MI6 in o be ted Kingdom, i