A Long Way from The Stuffed Cabbage
by tually ing tress o otries, ronger is tention to quot;e about a particular subject in a particular ; t becomes to start ing and to express myself. tress someation one feels o anot ically in o narrate my feeling of t fail incessantly to describe o betray me.
to trary, te t sometiful in a trivial incident from t from t of ote to a different form and tell ot tanding muco novelists.
Any. I can understand t quot;If I e my books based on my personal experiences, my readers er t 20 pages.quot; In my case, less t is generally believed t ers create tance, ances around me suddenly started to become restless and nervous. to keep a distance from me tionsil t time. At first I couldnt make out er talking to ticed to me for fear t I mig book. eve been getting along I ention to e such kind of novels.
Since I came to tates, Ive visited lots of universities and talked udents. Ive talked publicly before a large audience, too. But I feel more comfortable yle. Sometimes after class, all of us to a pub and enjoyed an open and frank conversation over a glass of beer. In sucmospudents. Students, titude in teac relaxed and recover their eyes.
tudents interested in Japanese Literature or Japanese, but for many of t time in to meet a novelist. to knoic about a novelist, for instance, ure a er is, e a novel too. t-oriented students are keenly interested to kno ing a novel or become a novelist. Most typical questions asked by them are as follows:
1. did you to