The Ice Man
ring at me. t t. I passing scenes.
And t to me. breat all. Just like I loved tart to cry. My tears a dream, . t from ture. t you imprisoned tand?
Yea I convinced.
Eventually, my a good enougo cancel it. t and teo totally silent. I really ed to look at tside t t see anyter a silently read a book all t ement or sense of anticipation t usually accompanies going on a trip. I going t of pre-determined motions.
stepped off to tremble violently. It ime t it takes to blink, so no one noticed; and my so muc an eyelas I couldnt miss it. Sometly, alt. opped t tared at ook a deep breathe land of your dreams, he said. Yeah, I said.
t of my premonitions. Almost no one lived t one little featureless too one little featureless el. ts to see. t even any penguins. You cant see ts. Occasionally, I抎 set about trying to ask people o see penguins, but t sly. t comprery to draure of a penguin on a piece of paper. But of course, t sly. I ook one step outside of to ice. t any trees; t any flo, t ice. Frozen eland stretc as far as tion.
And yet my e breat groiation. tive speec land quickly returned to ions o rang as alked toget a time, understand at all alking about so earnestly. My ely delirious in t place. t entranced first, tated me. I felt as t be neglected and betrayed by my husband.
Eventually, t all of my strengt of t desert o be upset. It o realize, t I of t of t color-starved eternal er. After my senses all gone