quot;But not only so, dear Porbus. Look closely at my and more clearly o metline. Look at ts on toucouc it catc itself and blends it rous s, and e process, by flattening t, and leaving no trace of tening tours of my figures and enveloping tints until t is produced, fades aure ure. Come closer. You ter; at a little distance it can not be seen. t t is, I to be seen,quot; and ip of ed out a patcransparent color to ters.
Porbus, laying a ists surned to Poussin ;Do you kno in painter?quot;
quot; ter,quot; Poussin answered gravely.
quot;t; Porbus continued, as ouc;Use tmost limit of our art on eart;
quot;Beyond t point it loses itself in t; said Poussin.
quot; joys lie t; exclaimed Porbus.
t t hear.
quot;But sooner or later t t; cried Poussin.
quot;Not; said Frenurn at eiter and at ure.
quot; ; muttered Porbus, turning to Poussin.
tcers arm and said, quot;Do you see notel ! varlet! cullion! brougo my studio?--My good Porbus,quot; on, as urned to ter, quot;are you also making a fool of me? Ansell me, ure after all?quot;
Porbus ated and said not tolerable anxiety in te face t ed to the easel.
quot;Look!quot; he said.
Fren at ure, and staggered back.
quot;Noter ten years of ; do.
quot;So I am a dotard, a madman, I alent nor po;
ears at ure. Suddenly ood proudly before ters.
quot;By t,quot; ;you are jealous! You ure is a failure because you to steal ; ;siful.