第二部分:从汉语到英语 从汉语到英语
ay someone told me t Granny could eat again, and ories of ors and perhaps she would come back soon.
Granny did come back to tyard again and I ality. I t yard. Eac t h her head leaned low as before.
t autumn s fe be back and for umn day, a day like today, leaves fell rustling every and carried a clot tter not go out of tyard, for t a mont earn money ton coat for come back yet. Since t day I made a neton coat for umn, but ill come back. No make a coat; I can’t see anyt make out w he is really like...
I caressed Granny’s ly; trees and te autumn fell from ttle. Soday. It is getting colder again, but ears rolled slowly down from her dim eyes.
t day Granny and made o t, and rummaged out of it t s o in any suffering.
t left only tyard. It snoer. te snoations. In my obscure meditation ten a quiet and a bit elling a long story, he green leaves of life.
can I recall wh my hair silver, I asked myself.