Chapter XXIII
n alk on fingers o sc and spell and e like blind girls mildred go to boston Mildred does cry prince and jumbo o boston papa does s ducks er and jumbo and mamie do ser and bring ducks out in mouto papa eaceaco go fast letter in envelope for blind girls good-by er yle is more nearly correct and freer in movement. Sill omits articles and uses t;didquot; construction for t. this is an idiom common among children.
tO t tItUtION [tuscumbia, October 24, 1887.] dear little blind girls I e you a letter I tty desk I did e to mot mot II. Letters(1887-1901)64
came me a pretty neo sville me apples and candy I and teaco boston and see you nancy is my doll so sleep mildred is sick doctor . I eactle blind girls mr. anagnos o see me.
good-by O MR. MICOR OF tItUtION [tuscumbia, November, 1887.] dear mr. anagnos I e you a letter. I and teacures. teac to you.
pograpures. carpenter does build neables. my doll nancy is sleeping. sing deer. we will weac.
simpson did give me popcorn and s. cousin rosa o see o c fox and box. fox can sit in to read in my book. you do love me. I do love you.
good-by hELEN KELLER.
tO DR. ALEXANDER GRAuscumbia, November, 1887.] Dear Mr. Bell. I am glad to e you a letter, Fature. I and Fat did go to see you in ason. I did play cor in ason. my eyes. I can read stories in my book. I can e and spell and count. good girl. My sister can birds. Rat did kill baby pigeons. I am sorry.
Rat does not knoeaco Boston in Ju