Chapter XXIII
ne. I tle blind girls.
Nancy cty doll. her name is Allie.
Good-by, hELEN KELLER.
By t year ives appear, including adjectives of colour. Alt of our vocabulary, intellectually, rut to impression, but to fact. tter is to a sce at titution.
tO MISS SARAOMLINSON tuscumbia, Ala. Jan. 2nd 1888.
Dear Sarao e to you to see me soon. I o Boston in June and I ty and ty Cmas-tree, and tty presents on it for little ctle bird and candy. I mas. Aunt gave me a trunk for Nancy and clot to party eac nuts and candy and cakes and oranges and I did tle boys and girls. Mrs. tle blind girls.
Men and boys do make carpets in mills. ool groo th in mills.
Cotton groalks in fields. Men and boys and girls and ton. e do make t II. Letters(1887-1901)65
and cotton dresses of cotton. Cotton ty . teacear o take to Boston. I to Knoxville . Bessie is tle. Mrs. thompsons chickens killed Leilas chickens.
Eva does sleep in my bed. I do love good girls.
t tters mention in January to ives in Mempennessee. Saken to tton exc t;Do men go to sc; Se on tlemen present. Memp over one of teamers.
tO DR. EDARD EVEREtt uscumbia, Alabama, February 15th [1888].
Dear Mr. o e you a letter teacold me about kind gentleman I so read pretty story I do read stories in my book about tigers and lions and sheep.
I am coming to Boston in June to see little blind girls and I o see you. I to Mempo see grandmot Nannie. t