it on. [Yao prepares to leap onto t pole]
S, you seem to be missing somet t one disk and o all troops] ts discipline [S to Yao and t falls to taking Yaosarm ] and ts strengt to Yao making o troops laugo reache arrow.
[Yao climbs up t. Ling, Cake turn and fall down. Mulan rubs of Shang]
S a long o go.
[Song Ill Make a Man Out of You]
[Saffs to tercepts Mulans staff and trips ]
Ss get doo business--to defeat the huns.
[Ss and breaks t aff. troops are highly impressed]
Recruits [putting taffs out at arms length, spoken]: hua
Sers doically]Youre t bunc [Most soldiers fall as Mulan moves uncontrollably]But you can bet before in takes a pole in tomacops Mulan andtakes aff. er, Ill make a man out of you
[Seps on a lever targets ranquil as a forest[ts try and fail. Mulan gets ready to fire arget on s. Mulan looks at Mus Mulan as s on fire of er on aff. ts fire stones at aff]Once you find your centerYou are sure to of er on s tones at tips over onto ic lot And you got a clue [So a river and retrieves a fiso trieves Yaos foot. Mus of ter o give to Mulan]Some of you!
Yao [follot o those who knew me
Ling [Banging one slab]:Boy I ing gym
[Sices martial arts o to a tree]
Musree acts as a boxing coac em scared to death
Mulan [Mus into t see righrough me
Cops as ruding from er causing Ss to pile into I knew o swim!
Sarget in t structure out from Mulans c