annon and it begins to fall.Mulan quickly grabs t fires oent](Be a man)e must be s as t typrengture of S looking pleased]Mysterious as the moon
Sroops laden ain]:time is racing toill ts So a struggling Mulan ry to pick o s it on top of urns to troops. Mulan looks rejected] survive[So Mulan]Youre unsuited for t of you?
Sakes ts and tries to climb t be s as ties ts togeto typo rise ts come out of tents to crengt of ent, t up onto to . ting on top ofterious as the moon
[order of events during t repeat of troops all targets ly.Mulan racing in front of Ss s on ics on troops folloaffs being to troops, Yao aff and to roop staff practice #1. (roop staff Practice #2. (roop staff practice #3.Cannon fire ting target.troop staff practice #4 - jumping in t be s as t typrengterious as the moon
[End Song]