bullfrogs, turdy spirits of
ancient ill unrepentant, trying to
sing a catcygian lake -- if the alden nymphs will
pardon t no here
are frogs the hilarious rules of
tal tables, their voices have waxed hoarse and
solemnly grave, mocking at mirt its flavor,
and become only liquor to distend t
intoxication never comes to dro, but mere
saturation and erloggedness and distention. t aldermanic,
-leaf, wo his
drooling c of
ter, and passes round the
ejaculation tr-r-r-oonk, tr-r-r--oonk, tr-r-r-oonk! and straightway
comes over ter from some distant cove the same password
repeated, y and girto
of the
ses ter of ceremonies, isfaction,
tr-r-r-oonk! and eacurn repeats to t
distended, leakiest, and flabbiest paunc there be no
mistake; and til the sun
disperses t, and only triarc under the
pond, but vainly belloroonk from time to time, and pausing for
a reply.
I am not sure t I ever he sound of cock-crowing from
my clearing, and I t t it migo keep
a cockerel for e of
t is certainly t remarkable of
any birds, and if turalized being
domesticated, it famous sound in our
ing of the
oo fill the pauses
man added this
bird to ame stock -- to say noticks.
to er morning in a wood whese birds abounded,
tive woods, and rees,
clear and she