r notes of ot! It nations
on t. be early to rise, and rise earlier and
earlier every successive day of ill he became unspeakably
e is celebrated
by ts of all countries along es of tive
songsters. All climates agree icleer. he is more
indigenous even tives. h is ever good, his
lungs are sound, s never flag. Even the
Atlantic and Pacific is as shrill sound
never roused me from my slumbers. I kept neit, cow,
pig, nor you would here was a deficiency of
domestic sounds; neithe spinning-wheel, nor even
ttle, nor the urn, nor children
crying, to comfort one. An old-fas his
senses or died of ennui before t even rats in the wall, for
tarved out, or rated in -- only
squirrels on the
ridge-pole, a blue jay screaming beneathe window, a hare or
woodc owl be, a
flock of wild geese or a laugo
bark in t. Not even a lark or an oriole, those mild
plantation birds, ever visited my clearing. No cockerels to crow
nor o cackle in t unfenced nature
reaco your very sills. A young forest growing up under
your meadows, and wild sumachrough
into your cellar; sturdy pitc
t of room, ts reace under the
ead of a scuttle or a blind blohe gale -- a
pine tree snapped off or torn up by ts behind your house for
fuel. Instead of no pato t-yard gate in t Snow
-- no gate -- no front-yard -- an