II In Near Ruins
the young Michelangelo.
ted do four books of Cicero. ted a giraffe, a roscanelli dres. t in t of Plato and argued all night.
And t of treets: “Repentance! t ao be elegant, fame, t to er the graves. Pico’s bones were preserved.
Poliziano’s o dust.
ened as turned tion glued in from ot great maps lost in to’s statue, , ts across tood on ture. Pico docion.
er into a bohe war.
doery s to of grass snipped dohis.
to be a man ill did not feel o go h his aging.
o coo late, grabbing table, upsetting the carafe of wine.
Your name is David Caravaggio, right?
to table. At one point in ried to run topped, dropping to do more. table slid out and fell against , and all its contents, and per ommasoni picked up to ? ill sure.
As able, to clearly and slipped table leg, flinging to dro to t to step out of ther cuff.
Blood every by producing envy. But t table tion into slowed him.
ood up dizzy above table. tommasoni, teleperrupting tommasoni, ically o t t him go, so perhaps he was wrong.
to Spirito to tion Brunellescoitute, er him.
Suddenly ting o revealing tact. o a side street, not looking back, never looking back. ed a street fire so ancar cauldron so black smoke rinita Bridge. traffic, rade of then lay back. No sounds.
Earlier, s, t of tanks and jeeps.
As of t filled er. er.
ter of to but couldn’t even nudge it. Ligo to ts of which were on fire.