u are very iful. You s be cruel even to a Cat.
oman said, I kne I did not knoiful. So I o the Cave.
And if you say t.
I never s if I say t by the Cave.
And if you say t.
I never s if I say te milk times a day for always and always and always.
t arc tain at t ts t stand beside t my Enemy and t a ild oods waving ail and walking by his wild lone.
t niging, t tell t s, because s t not like it.
Cat far and far aill t all about --ttle upside-do--t o Cat was happening.
One evening Bat said, t and small, and the oman is very fond of him.
A, listening, but he Baby fond of?
are soft and tickle, said t.
o o sleep. hings.
A, listening, time has come.
Next nig ild oods and ill morning-time, and Man and Dog and ing. t morning, and terrupted. So sside to play still the Baby cried.
t put out ted t cooed; and t rubbed against its fat knees and tickled it under its fat cail. And the oman heard him and smiled.
t--ttle upside-do--t ess and ife of my and Mots Son, a ild t beautifully playing h your Baby.
A blessing on t ild traighis morning and he has done me a service.
t very minute and second, Best Beloved, tain t retcail-do t remembered t, and o pick it up-- lo and be ting quite comfy inside the Cave.
O my Enemy and ife of my Enemy and Mot, it is I: for you he Cave for always and always and always.
But still I am t wo me.
t igook up o spin.