But t , for it struggled and kicked and grehe face.
O my Enemy and ife of my Enemy and Mot, take a strand of t you are spinning and tie it to your spinning- shall make your Baby laugh as loudly as he is now crying.
I my s end; but I t.
Sied to ttle clay spindle ran after it and patted it ossed it backo lose it, and pounced do again, till t er t and frolicked all over till it greired and settled doo sleep in its arms.
No, I so purr, loud and loill t asleep. t ion but you are very clever, O Cat.
t very minute and second, Best Beloved, t t remembered t, and ting quite comfy close to the fire.
O my Enemy and ife of my Enemy and Mot, it is I, for you by t t still I am t wo me.
t do out tton and began to make a Magic t s . It a Singing Magic, Best Beloved, it ill Magic; and by and by till t a little out of a corner and ran across the floor.
O my Enemy and ife of my Enemy and Mot, is t little mouse part of your magic?
Oustool in front of t t.
A, c it?
No, said t it quickly and I eful to you.
Cat made one jump and caugtle mouse, and t Friend is not quick enougo catctle mice as you be very wise.
t very moment and second, O Best Beloved, t t stood by t--because it remembered t, and ool--lo and be e milk t lay in one of the broken pieces.
O my Enemy and ife of my Enemy and Mot, it is I; for you e milk times a day for al still I am t wo me.
t t a boe milk and said, O Cat, y