Chapter 5
ize to find o establisact o figure out o interact hem.
Its not an easy matter.
ty space you see bet necessarily be empty.
tting there.
You may not be able to see s a different matter.
But t somebody migting ten you, so leave an empty space, ick together.
e are aly space; ts ures of gods and goddesses, anything.
Being in an empty space, being in an empty ened.
e fill ty space is left.
Even ty of empty space ogety.
And it s own science.
If one s to ion, it can be done.
One can systematically is an independent science; it s ohods.
or do not exist.
It is better to suspend your judgment, to keep your conclusions in abeyance for a know.
If asked , it ic of tific mind to ans;I dont knoo it yet.
Also, I even looked into myself yet.
s? I am not even able to find myself as yet!quot; So never be in a o answer yes or no.
Someone ious.
Keep thinking, keep searching.
An intelligent man, in fact, reluctance.
Once somebody asked Einstein iated betist and a superstitious man.
Einstein replied, quot;If you ask one ions to a man of superstition, o offer a hundred and one answers.
And if you ask one ions to a scientist, e ignorance about ninety-eighem.
About tle, but t kno ultimate; it can comorrow.
Remember, a scientific mind is tless mind.
A superstitious mind is not.
But in appearance, it